Much like the mother-in-law she had never met, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy was a true style icon. Looking fab in an evening dress or sweats and sneakers seemed to come naturally to the flaxen haired beauty. Her style simply put, ..... Inspiration (1) Bette Davis (1) Betty Grable (1) Betty White (1) birthday parties (1) Blabbing About Blogs (1) Blair Waldorf (1) blog crawl (1) blog features (1) blog giveaways (2) blog giveways (5) blog spotlight (7) blog vacation (1) Blonde ...
I am going on vacation and am not able to take my tenor. So, just when I am doing really well and advancing I have to miss 10 days. I am looking for advice and things to work on without the horn that will minimize the re-entry time. ...
We also are lovers of great food and we MUST have great meals when we are on any type of vacation, even if it is only for two nights. We can use websites like TripAdvisor where you can find reviews of restaurants, hotels, ...